No Stairs
by Chuck
Our insurance company has canceled our insurance because
a second floor outside door has no stairs.
We had originally dead bolted the door so it is locked on both sides but that did not satisfy the insurance company.
We are looking to do something inexpensive that will also be adequate when we sell it.
My ideas are as follows:
1) Remove door, plywood exterior, drywall inside, paint inside, find some type of exterior decorative siding design that would go with the old white aluminum siding.
Pros - Would probably look the cleanest if the siding blends.
Cons - Probably fairly expensive.
2) Remove door and install a window in it's place.
Pros - Might look pretty neat.
Cons - Might not meet code and may scare of potential renters/buyers, and could be expensive.
3)Put bars on exterior side of door.
Pros - Could be done inexpensively.
Cons - Insurance company may not accept it.
4) Do nothing and find another insurance company.
Pros - No cost.
Cons - Doesn't help when I try to sell it. Another insurance may see the same issue if they survey the house.
Any other ideas?