Eliminate Bad Debt, Staging Homes and, Construction Safety
In This Issue
--> Eliminate Bad Debt
--> Staging Homes
--> Construction Safety
--> It's All About You
Eliminate Bad Debt
I haven't missed a mortgage payment in 32 years
Now I own a property worth about 30% of the mortgage debt.
I have mixed feelings about giving the keys back to the bank and I jumped through the hoops with the lender about a loan modification. They would not respond to my request as long as I was current on my payments!
As you read what I've written on the Ask-The-Rehabber website you may think I'm some type of real estate investor guru - I'm not a guru! It's about my life experience of 32 years of investing in real estate and how I became financially free from the employer for the last 11 years from investing in real estate.
I've helped dozens of people over the years to buy their first home, investment property, or helped them remodel their properties to increase the value or living experience affordably.
Now I'm letting everyone know how to eliminate bad debt on a property that is worth far less than the balance owed on it. Quite frankly, I find it liberating!
Note: You may want to check with your Attorney and CPA before you do this – I did!
At first I was worried about my credit score,
Than I realized... Over the next 12 months I'll be saving nearly $18,000 cash while being able to live in the house. Since I'm a long time investor, I own another house I can move into or buy and rehab a cheap property to replace the house with bad debt.
The Choice was:
Keep $18,000 cash and move on.
Pay $441,000 over 30 years for a house that's worth $80k or less.
Read more about this story on the Rehabber Blog. Look for the title, "The controversy of giving the keys back to the bank!"
If you have questions about this feel free to contact me.
Staging Homes
Last month in the news letter I asked for your help. Maybe you didn't have time to reply to the questionnaire, I asked 3 questions that would be helpful to you and other visitors like you.
The most popular request was for staging homes.
To achieve quicker sales and a higher sales price: Staging Homes -Beats-
Vacant Homes,
every day of the week!
The exception is wholesaling to investors. We don't want to pay extra for a staged home because that's exactly what we do.
More info on staging homes, click the links below:
Construction Safety
Thank You Dave H. from Michigan with this safety reminder:
"It's Better to Lose a Minute of Your Life,
Than Your Life in a Minute." -Safety First!
Nobody asks, "how do I invest in real estate and avoid accidents?"
It's always about how to make money in real estate!
The way to make money in real estate is to "buy low and sell high" and reduce risks!
We never start out our day thinking "today I'm going to have an accident", or "someone on my job site is going to have an accident" unless you're psychic.
It's one thing to make sure all your insurances are in place in case you or someone on your job site gets hurt. It's just plain smart to plan ahead and do everything you can to avoid accidents because "accidents do happen".
I've added a few links below to make your job site safe:
It's All About You, and visitors like you.
We could use your help if you could spare about 2 minutes...
Comments and suggestions are the foundation of the Ask-The-Rehabber™ website. So far there are 58 pages of information on the site that is a direct response to questions from visitors, fellow investors, and homeowners like you. Click here to answer 3 quick questions. Your input will either be published on the website, in the next newsletter, or you can get a direct response from me by sending me an email, just hit the reply button now.
Thank you very much in advance!
Last month 1,186 ambitious people visited the site and a few are starting to share their stories to stay motivated by taking part in this forum. You can too!
You are not alone! Stay motivated with me and the visitors at Ask-The-Rehabber™.
Best regards,
Joe the Rehabber
P.S. A Professional Realtor® can be one of your best assets on your team. If you don't have one, have a Realtor® give you a call. It's fast and easy to make a connection with people willing to help you.
Available for U.S.A., Canada, and or Mexico.
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