Real Estate Investing Quiz
Ask The Rehabber brings you the latest additions in home remodeling and real estate investing.
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The Rehabber Newsletter
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In This Issue:
- The new website search box.
- From the last issue about evicting a tenant, the trouble, and what happened.
The Tenant Did Not Move Out!
- Take The Quiz.
What would help you most? Don't miss #3 below.
- Stay current with real estate investing news articles.
- In the next Rehabber Newsletter: The quiz results.
What ever it takes to keep up our productivity together.
1) The new website search box.
Ask-The-Rehabber® is growing and it's harder to find the helpful how-to topics you want to find fast.
With some help, I've installed a search box on the top of each page on my site.
The fastest way to find articles is to enter your key words into the Rehabber Site Search box like the picture above.
Example: If you typed the word(s)into the search box; landlord, kitchen, plumbing, or any keyword describing your current project,
all the articles in the website containing your word will show up in the website search results page.
Hope that helps you quickly find the information you're looking for.
I use it all the time now to find pages I've written years ago, that still pertain to real estate investing and home remodeling today.
2) From the last issue about Evicting A Tenant:
The Tenant Did Not Move Out!
Tenants always have a story to tell that landlords have to deal with!
To keep the peace and protect my investment house, this is what I decided to do, more...
3) What Would Help You Most?
Okay, enough formalities, let's get down to brass tacks...
I want to make one thing clear right now:
- The world needs another "Real Estate Investor Newsletter"
like I need another hole in my head!
In fact, if I see another real estate newsletter from another "Expert",
who has never picked up a hammer,
I think I am going to puke!
Wow, did it feel good to write that!
You see <>, I have been working on houses since 1977, and I've also been working on apartments, and commercial properties ever since.
I've spent over ten thousand dollars in real estate guru programs thinking I was going to get some special secret that I was missing...and I'm finally fed up!
That's why I said, "I am going to puke!" If I see another guru who is selling "How-To" when they "Never Have Done Any Work Themselves"... Well, you probably know who I'm talking about, right?
Okay, let's get on to why you should read this newsletter... Why you should bother to open it when it hits your inbox.
After all, you probably have hundreds (or thousands) of newsletters in your inbox that you haven't read... They're just sitting there waiting for the delete key.
This is the deal:
I quit my employer from the money I made in real estate in 1999.
I still invest in real estate and work on my own do-it-yourself home remodeling projects.
I am going to show you how I do it.
Here's where I need your Help!
Real estate investing and home remodeling are huge topics!
You, as a subscriber to my newsletter, get to tell me first hand:
- What is your toughest problem you would finally like to get resolved?
Take the quiz now click here... Then return here for the rest.
I'll give you the results in the next news letter. Does that sound fair <>?
Next is what's happening in the world of real estate...
4) Go to ask the rehabber for the live newsfeed: real estate investing news articles.
To give you an example of what I found today in the news, was this article from CNBC, "Spring Real Estate Investing 2011 - Special Report".
The article states, "Amid all the doom and gloom, it's hard for many to think of real estate as anything other than a money pit..."
Yes, I keep up on the investor's news, however, in over thirty years, I've never been discouraged!
I use this information to my advantage because, the bad news keeps down the competition. More for us!
Best regards,
Joe Trometer
Author and publisher
14738 Chamberlain FL 1
Flat Rock, MI 48134, USA
P.S. My brain is packed full of specific, concrete steps for you to take. Steps that will push you to a profitable business, owning properties and remodeling homes, Fast.
And my heart is overflowing with passion to share it with you. My life was changed when someone showed me these tips. Now I want to pass that favor along.
New! CommentsHave your say about what you just read! Leave me a comment in the box below.